It takes a village to help run a microtheatre. We depend on people like you who share our vision and appreciate the quality of our art. Support can take many forms, all of them important to keep Fortune's Fool thriving.
Well, duh. But a theatre is nothing without an audience, and Fortune's Fool specializes in productions that everyone can enjoy and afford. We always offer discounts for students, seniors, and Minnesota Fringe Festival button holders. We always offer a pay what you can performance, and during the pandemic, we videotaped our performances so that audiences could watch them for free at home. The way to be sure you can attend all of our productions is to either: 1. Like us on facebook (click on the "f" icon at the bottom of the page); 2. Ask to be put on our e-mail list (there's a form on our WELCOME! page). We produce infrequently and you have our promise that e-mails from us will come similarly infrequently.
We make it a point of pride to pay all our theatre artists, even if the stipend is not large. However, we depend on volunteers for some tasks, such as set construction, loading in, dispensing refreshments during intermission, and occasionally even taking tickets. The reward for these tasks always includes free admission to the show. Beer and pizza are frequent tokens of our gratitude as well. Our advisory board is also all-volunteer. If you have theatre expertise, do not hesitate to volunteer to be of of those guiding lights who tells us how to do stuff right or keeps us from doing really dumb things (of which we would have done many more without them).
This may surprise you, but we actually accept donations! Most arts organizations need them to augment ticket sales and grants; a microtheatre like us really notices each individual gift. For example, the combined gifts made on Give to the Max Day 2020 completely paid for the rental of the Crane Theater for our production of To Breed, or Not to Breed.
Be aware that we are a theatre so small that we must use the services of a fiscal agent. What's a fiscal agent? I hear you ask. Fortune's Fool is not yet a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and we may never be. You may give directly to us or to Springboard for the Arts in our name. If you do the former, your gift will not be tax exempt. If you do the latter, it will be.
In the future, we may begin an annual fund drive. In keeping with our policy of not pestering the people who love us, this means one appeal per year, and perhaps one followup (and we're small enough to take you off the appeals list should you respond). We will never send monthly or weekly (or hourly!) appeals, as some organizations seem to do.
DID YOU KNOW? You can donate to Fortune's Fool without even putting your pants on! The buttons below are a direct link to our give.MN page (for tax-deductible gifts to our fiscal agent) and our PayPal account (for non-tax deductible gifts to our business account). Both sites accept credit cards, and PayPal accepts transfers via PayPal or Venmo accounts. A gift to Fortune's Fool need not be large! We have big ideas and aspirations, but we are small, and we execute everything simply.
Anonymous (2)
Linda Sue Anderson
Bob Beverage
Florence Brammer
Mark Cady
Roy Close
Laura Delventhal
Laura Joan Doty
Rob Dunkelberger
Freshwater Theatre
Chris & Wendy Gennaula
Anthony & Alison Harder
Craig Harris
Christopher Kidder-Mostrom
Ben Layne
Howard Louthan
Carla Mantel
Bruce Margolis
Mike McGeever
Julie Ann Nevill
Joan Parks
Daniel Pinkerton & Jane Johnston
Terri Ristow
Joel Sass
Ann Schulman
Daniel Schwarz & Carol Duling
Luverne Seifert
Nanette Stearns
Elizabeth Stuck, in memory of Catherine Stuck, a patron of the arts
Andrew & Corinna Troth
Ruth Virkus
Duck Washington
Patricia Wasmund
Brian Watson-Jones
Annie Wilson, in loving memory of Robert Hoyt
Jena Young
Lindsey Zellman
Donate via give.MN (tax deductible)
Donate via PayPal (not tax deductible)
2113 22nd Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404, United States